San Angelo State Park Photos

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Another West Texas Sunrise
The beginning of another day in San Angelo! (Photo by MikeHikes)
Sunflowers and Bugs
The sunflowers are scattered at various places in the park. The bugs certainly enjoy visiting them. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Death and Life
The grasshopper died so that the spider could live - just the way it is. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Where's the Breeze?
Sitting in the warm grass, this Horned Toad was trying to stay cool. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Ready For Action!
This hawk appears to be ready for action - whether hunting for prey or fighting to defend his turf. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Misty, Humid Morning
Not fog but humid air! Today was a very humid one with little to no breeze. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Chow Time
I saw this doe having breakfast as I drove to the Playground parking area. Other deer were on the opposite side of the road so she had all these flowers to herself. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Another Horned Toad
Seeing them again and they are always a welcome sight. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Storm Coming Ya Better Hide
Looks nice but the storm clouds gathered quickly and dropped a lot of rain in a short period of time. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Hummingbird Moth
I haven't seen them for a few years at the park so I take this as a good sign that they have returned. VERY fast moving insects! (Photo by MikeHikes)
No Threat Intended
Although it looks like the lizard is hissing or acting aggressive, he was not - it was merely a yawn. (Photo by MikeHikes)
First Fox for 2023
I saw this young fox on Javelina Trail when he ran across the trail ahead of me. When I reached him, he was waiting for me, allowed me to take a few photos and then he left. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Hunter Awaits
Look closely at the lower left of the photo and you'll find a hunting bug awaits it prey. This was one of the cacti that had numerous flowers in bloom. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Bloom on the Way!
One of the many Lace Cactus seen with buds. This one is a little more advanced than the others and will soon have a purple flower on display. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Lone Cactus Wren
Not many birds were out but I did spot this Cactus Wren. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Mocker Sings for a Mate
Not many birds were observed today but this Mockingbird made the most of his opportunity to attract a mate and was happily singing regardless of the wind. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Where Do I go Next?
This male Golden Fronted Woodpecker was flying from tree to tree looking for bugs. Hopefully, he found enough after expending all that energy looking! (Photo by MikeHikes)
First for this Year Roadrunner.
Fairly common residents at the park, this female is the first I saw this year. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Bleak Landscape
Spring is almost here but hasn't made much of an appearance in most of the park. Not the most scenic place in Texas but I enjoy hiking it nonetheless. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Yes, You May Take A Photo
The hawk was very unconcerned when I stopped to take his photo but after hearing a few shutter clicks, he decided that was enough and flew away. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Agarita Blooms Attract Insects
Not all the agarita are in bloom but the few that were, attracted bees and butterflies. (Photo by MikeHikes)
More Agarita are Beginning to Bloom
A sure sign of Spring when these fragrant bushes perfume the air. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A VERY cold Bird
I don't know what bird this is but he/she was very cold when I started hiking. The Sun had just come out and gave it a yellowish cast. I took a few photos then the bird disappeared into the brush. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Sleepy Owl
This Great Horned Owl was comfortably perched and hidden high in the tree when I saw him. He opened his eyes briefly, saw I was no threat and went back to sleep with the rising Sun warming him up. (Photo by MikeHikes)