San Angelo State Park

50.00 Miles
4stars (4.20)556
halfstar (0.91)
4point5stars (4.64)
San Angelo
Tom Green
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Regal and Bold
This Kingbird swooped down to inspect me as I hiked along Burkett Trail. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Mockingbird on the Cactus
I watched this bird later eating either the cactus tuna or a bug that was on the tuna. Numerous cactus tunas are ripening. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Surveying His Domain
A regal looking Kingbird looks over his domain. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Death of One Gives Life to Many
This small snake carcass was being picked clean by a multitude of ants. His death has enabled the ants to eat and live. (Photo by MikeHikes)
What'cha Doing?
Right at the Chaparral trailhead high in a large mesquite tree, this Scissortail was illuminated by the morning Sun. As I stood there and snapped a few photos, he gave me this inquisitive look. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Lemonmint in Bloom
Lemonmint and gayfeathers are similar in appearance but Lemonmint is in the Spring and gayfeathers in the Fall. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Battle Royale
Numerous balls of bees were fighting along 2 stretches of Dinosaur Trail. Some of the balls were small like this one - others were much larger and the size of my fist. I walked quickly through the battlefield and didn't get stung. (Photo by MikeHikes)
First Cicadas at the Park
Although I found a single dead one a week or so ago, today I saw two living cicadas at two locations. They didn't make much noise but were mobile and flew after getting their photo taken. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Yellow Mexican Hats Attract Bugs
There was a mix of red and yellow as well as yellow with red Mexican Hat flowers in one area. The yellow bugs were attracted to the yellow flowers. (Photo by MikeHikes)
The largest Ring Collared Snake I've seen at the Park.
The title says it all - he was about 18 inches long and stayed still when I snapped this photo. I've seen other Ring Collared snakes at the park but this guy was the largest. (Photo by MikeHikes)
A Small Horned Lizard
Second of the day and second one of the season spotted. The first was much larger, this guy isn't much bigger than the pebbles he was on. (Photo by MikeHikes)
Bee Bush in Bllom!
Numerous Bee Bush plants are in bloom at various locations in the park. Vanilla scents are pleasant and the bugs like the plants too! (Photo by MikeHikes)

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Log Entries
Park Mid-section - Burkett Park to Bell's Point Short loop + Roadrunner Loop
By MikeHikes on 7/17/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 8.00 Miles Duration: 4 hours

Leg 1 -  Burkett park > Burkett Trail > Trailhead to Trailhead (N) > service road (SW) > Playground (S) > Bell's Point > Playground (S) > Potts Creek (NE) > Burkett Trail > Burkett Park       4.9 miles

Leg 2 -  Playground parking area > Roadrunner Loop > Playground parking area    3.1 miles

Temp started at 78, ended at 90.  Mostly sunny with high, whispy clouds.  Slightly humid.  SSW breeze at 0-5mph.

A different hike today so I could hike the trails in a different order. Animals spotted were jack rabbits, cottontail rabbits, javelinas and deer.  Birds were also present including an Oriole that I hadn't seen in a while.  This Kingbird looked regal so I had to take his photo (attached).

All trails were easy to see and traverse: for the most part, they were visibly groomed.  Nothing unusal to report - this was just a pleasant hike going in a different order.


Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.

Water, shade and info kiosk available at Bell's Point.

Water and shade are available along Roadrunner Loop at various campsites.  Water, info kiosk and toilets available at three locations along Roadrunner as well.


Park Mid-section - Burkett Park to Cougar Overlook Short Loop
By MikeHikes on 7/10/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 8.40 Miles Duration: 4 hours, 14 minutes

Leg 1 -  Burkett Park > WS to LL Connector > Roller Coaster > West Potts Creek > dirt road to Armadillo Ridge > service road (WSW) > Turkey Creek (N) > 5 Points Junction > River Bend > service road (NE) > Cougar Overlook    5.1 miles

Leg 2 -  Cougar Overlook > service road (SW) > Trailhead to Trailhead Trail (S) > Burkett Trail > Burkett Park   3.3 miles

Temp started at 70, ended at 90.  Sunny w/slight 0-5mph WNW breeze.

Today was animal day!  I counted thirteen fawns with five does, three javelinas, and one porcupine.  Reptiles spotted were a coachwhip that was about three feet long, numerous lizards and a single Horned Toad.  Birds were too numerous to count.

All flowers with the exception of one small stand of sunflowers, are gone.  Cactus tunas are ripening and I watched a Mockingbird either eating one or a bug that was on one, when I stopped at Cougar Overlook (photo attached).

Overall a very nice hike.


Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.

Water, shade, and info kiosk available at 5 Points Junction

Shade, info kiosk and a bicycle repair station are available at Cougar Overlook.


South Shore - Playground parking area to Armadillo Ridge - Figure 8
By MikeHikes on 7/3/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 9.90 Miles Duration: 5 hours

Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Horny Toad Trailhead > Horny Toad > Nature Trail > Lanky Lackey > WS to LL Connector > Burkett Park     3.2 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett Park > Burkett Trail > Potts Creek > West Potts Creek > Roller Coaster Trail > WS to LL Connector > Burkett Park  3.9 miles

Leg 3 -  Burkett Park > Winding Snake > Chaparral > Playground parking area   2.8 miles

Temps started at 78 and ended at 98.  Sunny with steady 10-15mph SW breeze.

Easy hike along easy to see and traverse trails.  A few things seen today - lots of deer and fawns, cottontail rabbits, a skunk and quite a few birds (photo attached).  I was told by a mountain biker a cougar was spotted last week at 7 am near Burkett Park.  Unfortunately, no camera was handy so no photos.  I'd like to see a cougar but am not holding my breath.


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground parking area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets are available at Burkett Park.

South Shore - Playground parking area to Burkett Park + Roadrunner Loop
By MikeHikes on 6/19/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 3stars
Distance: 10.10 Miles Duration: 5 hours

Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Horny Toad Trailhead > Tasajilla Flats > Nature Trail > Lanky Lackey > WS to LL Connector > Burkett Park    3.7 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett Park > Winding Snake > Chaparral > Red Dam Loop > Chaparral > Playground parking area    3.3 miles

Leg 3 -  Playground parking area > Roadrunner Loop > Playground parking area   3.1 miles

Temp started at 75, ended at 86.  Overcast w/steady SE breeze at 10-15mph.

All trails were dry, easy to see and traverse although some parts of Roadrunner Loop are in need of a trim.  I saw a 4 foot long Coachwhip snake but he saw me first and slithered away so no photo.  I also saw a Painted Bunting pair as well as a Mississippi Kite.  Two pairs of does and fawns were also seen as well as cottontail rabbits, lizards and a single horned toad.  Almost all of the wildflowers are gone with the exception of some small yellow daisy looking flowers which were few and far between.  The only flowering plant I saw were Desert Willows trees and there were only a few of them.

Unfortunately, I found a snake carcass on the trail (photo attached).  The ants were feasting on him so his death was not wasted.


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground parking area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets are available at Burkett Park.

Water and shade are available at the campsites along half of Roadrunner Loop along with two toilet, water and info kiosks areas.

South Shore - Playground parking area to Armadillo Ridge Figure 8
By MikeHikes on 6/12/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 4stars
Distance: 10.70 Miles Duration: 5 hours, 45 minutes

Leg 1 - Playground parking area > Chaparral > Red Dam Loop > Chaparral > Winding Snake > Burkett Park     3.2 miles

Leg 2 - Burkett Park > WS to LL Connector > Roller Coaster > West Potts Creek > Potts Creek > Burkett Trail > Burkett Park    3.8 miles

Leg 3 - Burkett Park > WS to LL Connector > Lanky Lackey > Nature Trail > Tasajilla Flats > Playground parking area   3.7 miles

Temp started at 70, ended at 89.  Sunny with a few clouds. Fairly constant 0-5mph breeze from the SE.

Slow easy hike along dew dampened then dry trails that are easy to see and traverse.  Lots of birds out today especially Mockingbirds and quail.  I saw two Horned Toads at different locations which is unusual but very welcome to see.  Only animals I saw were deer and a couple of cottontails.  Overall, it was a very nice hike along familiar trails that I thoroughly enjoyed!


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground Parking Area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.

South Shore - Playground parking area to Burkett Park Short Loop
By MikeHikes on 6/6/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 6.10 Miles Duration: 3 hours, 15 minutes

Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Horny Toad Trailhead > Horny Toad > Nature Trail > Lanky Lackey > WS to LL Connector > Burkett Park      3.2 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett Park > Winding Snake > Chaparral > Playground parking area   2.9 miles

Temp started at 75, ended at 87.  Slightly humid, very sunny w/intermittent 0-10mph SW breeze. 

Easy, short hike along dry trails that had been recently groomed.  Quite a few birds were out including a Black Tufted Titmouse which I hadn't seen in quite awhile.  I also saw a turkey hen running away from me with six chicks flying above her trying to keep up.  A few cottontails and a cotton rat as well as deer were also spotted.  Some yellow flowers are making a reappearance and the Lemonmint is becoming more common (photo attached).


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground parking area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.

North Shore - Bell's Trailhead to Cougar Overlook Loop
By MikeHikes on 6/1/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 9.40 Miles Duration: 5 hours

Leg 1 -  Bell's Trailhead > Shady Trail > Trailhead to Trailhead (S) > North Scenic Loop > Trailhead to Trailhead (S) > South Slick Rock > Lower Ghost Camp Trail > River Bend Campground > Lower Ghost Camp Trail (S) > service road (W) > Javelina Trail > Cougar Overlook     3.5 miles

Leg 2 -  Cougar Overlook > service road (W) > River Bend Trail (N) > Badlands > Upper Big Hill > Dinosaur Trail (N) > Dinosaur Tracks Viewing Area > Dinosaur Trail (N) > Trailhead to Trailhead (N) > Bell's Trailhead     5.9 miles

Temps started at 67, ended at 83.  Fairly constant SW breeze at 5-10mph.  Sunny w/a few clouds.

A very nice hike!  I saw a beaver at the river by Shady Trail.  I hadn't seen one in quite some time so even though the river is not flowing, the beaver is still there.  Later I saw a juvenile male Summer Tanager, an Axis Doe and fawn, numerous birds, lizards, cottontail rabvbits, white tail deer and lots of BEES! (photo attached).  At two points on Dinosaur Trail (return leg) I had to cross a 30-40 yard long stretch of trail where the bees that lived underground were above ground and locked in battle with other bees.  There were numerous "balls of bees" rolling on the ground fighting, some balls were small and other balls the size of my fist.  I walked quickly through the battlegrounds and avoided the balls of bees and did not get stung. 


Info kiosk and a bicycle repair station are available at Bell's Trailhead.  Water and shade are available at the nearby campground.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at the River Bend Campground.

Shade, info kiosk and a bicycle repair station are available at Cougar Overlook.

Water, shade and an info kiosk are available at the Dinosaur Tracks Viewing Area.

Park Mid-section - Burkett Park to 5 Points Junction Loop
By MikeHikes on 5/27/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 8.20 Miles Duration: 4 hours, 15 minutes

Leg 1 -  Burkett Park > WS to LL Connector > Rollercoaster Trail > West Potts Creek > Turkey Creek > 5 Points Junction    4.4 miles

Leg 2 -  5 Points Junction > Flintstone (S) > Playground > Bell's Point > Playground (S) > Potts Creek > Burkett Trail > Burkett Park    3.8 miles

Temp started at 64, ended at 88.  Sunny, humid w/very light and intermittent 0-5mph breeze.

Easy hike along damp to wet trails that were easy to traverse.  Not much animal activity except for a few cottontail rabbits and two sightings of cotton rats (I believe).  Numerous lizards and birds were out and I saw two cicadas (photo attached).  Cactus flowers are gone and a lot of the wildflowers seemed to have disappeared as well.  We had a severe hailstorm a few days ago so that may be the reason why.  Not much else to report.


Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.

Water, shade and info kiosk available at 5 Points Junction.

Water, shade and info kiosk available at Bell's Point.


South Shore - Playground parking area to Burkett Park + Roadrunner Loop
By MikeHikes on 5/18/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 3stars
Distance: 9.90 Miles Duration: 5 hours

Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Chaparral > Red Dam Loop > Chaparral (N) > Winding Snake > Burkett Park     3.2 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett Park > WS to LL Connector > Lanky Lackey > Nature Trail > Tasajilla Flats > Playground parking area     3.7 miles

Leg 3 -  Playground parking area > Roadrunner Loop > Playground parking arera     3.0 miles

Temps started at 64, ended at 86.  Sunny w/a light 0-10mph SW breeze.

Easy, leisurely hike along damp to dry trails.  Lots more people using the park today (Saturday) than I'm used to seeing.  Saw a sow and four juvenile feral hogs in the distance but the photos taken were not really usable.  LOTS of wildflowers continue to bloom and yellow is still the predominant color (photo attached). 


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground parking area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.

Water and shade available at campsites along Roadrunner Loop.  Three toilets and info kiosks available as well.

North Shore - Bell's Trailhead to Cougar Overlook Big Loop
By MikeHikes on 5/14/2024
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 9.60 Miles Duration: 5 hours

Leg 1 -  Bell's Trailhead > Trailhead to Trailhead (S) > Dinosaur Trail > Dinosau Tracks Viewing Area > Dinosaur Trail (S) > Badlands > River Bend > service road (NNE) > Cougar Overlook     6.2 miles

Leg 2 -  Cougar Overlook > Javelina Trail > Lower Ghost Camp > Upper Ghost Camp > Riverbend Camping Area > Lower Ghost Camp (N) > South Slick Rock > North Slick Rock > Trailhead to Trailhead (N) > North Scenic Loop > Trailhead to Trailhead (N) > Bell's Trailhead     3.4 miles

Temp started at 59, ended at 86.  Sunny w/very light 0-5mph N then SW breeze.

Easy hike along familiar trails that were slightly damp with morning dew.  Lots of bird actvity - I watched a Great Horned Owl hunt near Bell's Trailhead, later I saw a male Painted Bunting having a dirt or any bath, Cardinals and Mockingbirds were singing as well.  Lizrads were spotted and so was a Ring Collared Snake (photo attached).  This snake was about 18 inches long which made him very large for that type of snake (at least as far as the ones I've seen).  The gnats were VERY active and I did the Georgia wave numerous times to shoo them off.  Of note there are literally hundreds if not thousands of holes in the ground at various places along the Dinosaur and Trailhead to Trailhead trails - those holes contains BEES!  I walking through them and they didn't bother me but caution is advised.


Info kiosk and a bicycle repair staton are available at Bell's Trailhead.  Water and shade is available at the nearby campsites.

Water, shade and an info kiosk is available at the Dinosaur Tracks Viewing Area.

Shade, info kiosk and a bicycle repair station is available at Cougar Overlook.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets are available at the River Bend camping area.

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