Nice hike in the woods around Lake Geo'town
Good Water Trail
- 9/20/2005
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Distance: 5.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Hiking to the ruins at Crockett Springs and back was a pleasant outing even in 95 F heat. The trail is fairly shaded through the cedars and oaks from the trailhead parking to the ruins. [Hint: be sure to indicate that you are only hiking the Good Water Trail when you pass through the Corps of Engineers fee booth. The trail parking is free, but the rest is $4 for day use]. Additionally, there is a good spot to cool off in the lake for yourself or your dog companion just before the 1 Mile Marker. The water is really refreshing and surprisingly clear. Unfortunately, this is also the spot where party-boaters come ashore to jump the cliffs and throw their cans and bottles in the process.
The first mile is also the most difficult with the washed out loose gravel and stones. So watch your footing here. The closest approach of the trail to the lake shore is also very overgrown due to the abundant 2005 summertime rain. Just after the 2 Mile Marker listen for the spring-fed waterfall across the cove. You can see the falls by taking a few strides into the woods toward the lake.
At about the equivalent of 2.5 miles from the trailhead, the ruins at the Crockett Springs area will be seen on the left. The trail actually goes right through the foundation of what was apparently the spring house inside the old fenced corral.
BTW, dogs are allowed (leashed) on the trail. If you are quiet, you may see several deer browsing nearby the trail.
Question: Does anyone know what the small rock structure is at the point where the trail nears the lake for the first time (about 3/4 mile)? Seems like it was once a marker of some kind, but there is nothing attached to it now.
-- Karl V (and canine companion Caesar)