Short and sweet
Panther Canyon Nature Trail
- 10/3/2003
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Rating: N/A

Distance: 1.25 Miles
Duration: N/A
I work in New Braunfels, so I come here to get away from the hustle and bustle of the courthouse (I work there). My visit to the trail was on an afternoon after eating lunch. I had some extra time, ran down to the trail, and began hiking it after stopping to admire the springs. The trail was quiet and I was alone, the whole time, I didn't pass a single person, but this was also a Friday afternoon at 12:00. The hike was nice overall, a bit technical with work shoes, but due to the rocks along the creek beds I would suggest either hiking boots or sturdy shoes with not a lot of extra room in them. I had my low cut shoes on (Doc Martens 6 holes) and found it just a bit rough in them. Honestly though this is a beautiful trail with various wildlife and scenery. I passed some deer, a possum, and countless number of squirrels out there but the greenery and flowers made the hike an enjoyable break from the office. Austin Explorer was right in both the cave and the markers, I as well saw them but found no indication as to their identifiers. Overall, a nice short hike, and no one really seems to notice it at all, good for us. :-)