
Rajun Cajun has not uploaded any photos with this log entry.
User: Rajun Cajun - 5/13/2006

Location: Good Water Trail

Rating: 5stars
Difficulty: 3stars  Solitude: 4stars
Miles Hiked: 10.80 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A

Comments: This was a wonderful trail. Alot more challenging than I thought it would be. My wife and I hiked it. We ste out from Cedar Break and ended in Camp Tejas. We carried all of our gear for the overnight stay at Tejas. If I had it to do all over again. I would have set-up camp at Tejas and carried a lighter load on the trail. Contrary to the map the trail is not just hiking lakeside. There are hills, fields and bluffs. Offers lost of wildlife (seen 8 deer) and the cactus were in bloom. Only passed a couple of hikers. All-in-all it was a great hike.

Area around Good Water Trail