South Shore - Playground to Burkett Park + Roadrunner Loop

Found a Seed
This male White Crowned Sparrow found a somewhat desiccated seed pod to eat. The red really popped and caught my eye when he jumped into the small tree.
User: MikeHikes - 3/12/2025

Location: San Angelo State Park

Rating: 4stars
Difficulty: halfstar  Solitude: 4point5stars
Miles Hiked: 9.50 Miles  Elapsed Time: 4 hours, 30 minutes


Leg 1 -  Playground parking Area > Tasajilla Flats > Nature Trail > Lanky Lackey > WS to LL Connector > Burkett Park    3.6 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett Park > Winding Snake > Chaparral > Playground parking Area       2.9 miles

Leg 3 -  Playground Parking Area > Roadrunner Loop > Playground Parking Area   3.0 miles

Temp started at 51 and ended at 81.  Mostly sunny with haze then partly cloudy.  Steady 10-15mph West wind increasing to 20-25mph while on Leg 3.

East hike on dry trails.  Only animals spotted were a few deer in a few places.  The birds are singing for mates and the agarita bushes are covered with yellow flowers releasing a heady scent.  A few people were on the trails but it was not crowded by any stretch of the imagination. 


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playround Parking Area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.

Water and shade available at various campsites around Roadrunner Loop and there are three stations where water, toilets and info kiosks can be found.

Log Photos
Found a Seed
Area around San Angelo State Park