Leg 1 - Burkett park > Burkett Trail > Potts Creek Trail > Playground Trail > Bell's Point > Playground Trail > Flintstone> 5 Points Junction > River Bend Trail > service road (NW) > Cougar Overlook 4.6 miles
Leg 2 - Cougar Overlook > Flintstone (S) > 5 Points Junction > Turkey Creek > Potts Creek (W) > West Potts Creek > Rollercoaster > WS to LL Connector > Burkett Park 5.7 miles
Temps started at 60, ended at 80. Fairly steady 5-10mph NW breeze. Sunny skies
Easy hike along dry easy to traverse trails. Only animnals seen were some deer at the park entrance. Birds - not many but I saw a Northern Flicker at some distance (photo attached) away and then he took off. Haven't seen flickers for a few years so seeing one was nice. One good thing is that the agarita bushes are blooming in more places and with the steady wind the scent of the blooms was more noticeable than before. A very heady aroma!
There are still spots of water here and there for the birds and animals but the ground is otherwise dry as we are in a severe drought with no relief in sight. This brings up something to consider if you hike the park - with the prolonged dryness the soil on the trails is, and will continue to be, dry and loose which means a twisted ankle if you are not careful. There are many places where the topsoil is thin to non-existent and depending on the trail, it is easy for your foot to slip on the loose soil.
Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.
Water, shade and info kiosk available at Bell's Point.
Water, shade and info kiosk available at 5 Points Junction.
Shade, info kiosk and a bicycle repair station available at Cougar Overlook.