South Shore - Playground parking area to Burkett Park + Roadrunner Loop

Death of One Gives Life to Many
This small snake carcass was being picked clean by a multitude of ants. His death has enabled the ants to eat and live.
User: MikeHikes - 6/19/2024

Location: San Angelo State Park

Rating: 4stars
Difficulty: halfstar  Solitude: 3stars
Miles Hiked: 10.10 Miles  Elapsed Time: 5 hours


Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Horny Toad Trailhead > Tasajilla Flats > Nature Trail > Lanky Lackey > WS to LL Connector > Burkett Park    3.7 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett Park > Winding Snake > Chaparral > Red Dam Loop > Chaparral > Playground parking area    3.3 miles

Leg 3 -  Playground parking area > Roadrunner Loop > Playground parking area   3.1 miles

Temp started at 75, ended at 86.  Overcast w/steady SE breeze at 10-15mph.

All trails were dry, easy to see and traverse although some parts of Roadrunner Loop are in need of a trim.  I saw a 4 foot long Coachwhip snake but he saw me first and slithered away so no photo.  I also saw a Painted Bunting pair as well as a Mississippi Kite.  Two pairs of does and fawns were also seen as well as cottontail rabbits, lizards and a single horned toad.  Almost all of the wildflowers are gone with the exception of some small yellow daisy looking flowers which were few and far between.  The only flowering plant I saw were Desert Willows trees and there were only a few of them.

Unfortunately, I found a snake carcass on the trail (photo attached).  The ants were feasting on him so his death was not wasted.


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground parking area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets are available at Burkett Park.

Water and shade are available at the campsites along half of Roadrunner Loop along with two toilet, water and info kiosks areas.

Log Photos
Death of One Gives Life to Many
Area around San Angelo State Park