Inks Lake State Park
- 1/15/2010
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Distance: 5.00 Miles
Duration: 2 hours, 30 minutes
This is a great hike, especially when you cross the highway and get up into the isolated hills and rocks. Lots of climbing and great views of Inks Lake and the surrounding hills. Inks is a great place to camp too, with lots of things to do.
Houston Arboretum & Nature Center
- 1/11/2010
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Distance: 3.20 Miles
Duration: N/A
Not a bad hike for being inside Loop 610! Some car noise on the westernmost trail, but that faded quickly and the rest of the hike was quiet. Nice changes of scenery, going from heavy woods to meadows to small ponds within a short distance. Some elevation changes in the northwest section of the hike, but overall pretty flat. You'll pass others as you hike, and sometimes even a class of elementary school students on a field trip.
Mercer Arboretum & Botanic Gardens
- 6/20/2009
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Distance: 2.00 Miles
Duration: 1 hour, 45 minutes
This hike was nice in a few areas, especially by the river where the white dunes are. Lots of mosquitos, so bring your spray. Hot and humid too (duh, it's Houston in the summertine!). Not bad, we went because it was very close to the house. It has a nice HQ building, with interesting stuffed animals, live snakes (coral, copperhead, mocassin, etc) in glass cases.