mgbgun's Logbook

Total Log Entries: 3 (Rank: 204th)  [List Them]  [Map Them]
Total Distance: 7.50 Miles (Rank: 421st)
Average Distance: 2.50 Miles

Average Rating: 2point5stars (2.57)
Average Difficulty: 1point5stars (1.57)
Average Solitude: 3point5stars (3.58)

Earliest Log Entry: 12/22/2007
Latest Log Entry: 1/29/2008

Average ratings are based on the published values and not the values entered in your own log entries.

Long Bridge

Dry under bridge [Mission Tejas State Park]
Log Entries
Good solitude. Nice elevation changes.
Mission Tejas State Park - 1/29/2008  [View Log Page]
Rating: 3stars Difficulty: 3stars Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 4.00 Miles Duration: 3 hours

Great scenery and company! (Cheri) It was a nice hike that included a good "down and up" section that provided a chance to try out our new hiking sticks. Some trails were not marked clearly but we found our way. The map handout does not match up well so keep a sharp eye for side trails you want to visit. Never did find the CCC bathtubs! Going back in the spring. Should be pretty.

PS.the pond is a great place for a blanket,wine,cheese and pumpernickle!

Nice outing
Big Thicket - Beaver Slide Trail - 1/11/2008  [View Log Page]
Rating: 3stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 1.00 Mile Duration: 1 hour

Storm damage from Hurricane Rita evident but no trail blockage. Pretty pond and easy kids hike. We started the new year out right! Spent it with our son and grandson.

Nice, quiet hike
Big Thicket - Woodlands Trail - 12/22/2007  [View Log Page]
Rating: 3stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 2.50 Miles Duration: 1 minute

Dead of winter yet still an enjoyable hike. It was my and my son Ben's first hike together. Nice little pond of about 3 acres but no wildlife. The trail runs right alongside the Alabama-Coshatta Indian Reservation and there are signs and a fence to let you know where the boundry is. There is a bench with the trail map carved in it approx. 1.1 miles down the trail. Trail is marked and maintained very well. The popsicle shaped trail is around 6 miles in length with the loop being around 3-4 miles so it's all new scenery there.