merindab's Logbook

Total Log Entries: 1 (Rank: 454th)  [List Them]  [Map Them]
Total Distance: 2.00 Miles (Rank: 782nd)
Average Distance: 2.00 Miles

Average Rating: 3point5stars (3.94)
Average Difficulty: 2point5stars (2.74)
Average Solitude: 2point5stars (2.95)

Earliest Log Entry: 10/7/2010
Latest Log Entry: 10/7/2010

Average ratings are based on the published values and not the values entered in your own log entries.

Fire Line Trail, the one bad spot

This is the 'creek' that crosses the trail [Dana Peak Park]
Log Entries
Park now open again and a great fall hike
Dana Peak Park - 10/7/2010  [View Log Page]
Rating: 4point5stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 1point5stars
Distance: 2.00 Miles Duration: 2 hours

This park opened again this past summer. There's free parking near the firebreak trail. If you go a little further down the road there's a place for boaters to pay, but  you can just ask for a trail map and turn around and park where it's free.

I went this morning as there is little to no shade. Saw a bunch of deer and a monarch butterfly. There's also a little creek sort of place that crosses Fire lane with just a board to get across the mud, but it's not bad. As a bonus as of right now the very shallow pool is teeming with tadpoles.

I was alone pretty much the entire time I was out. I was passed by one biker and as I was heading to my car a lady was just coming in with her dog.

Edited to say free maps are availble on