Nothing like it.
Big Bend - Lost Mine Trail
- 4/4/2012
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Distance: 5.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Every so often, I go for my Big Bend "fix". Stark, with a big helping of solitude, and in the pleasant (and mutually respectful) company of things that thrive there, relying on their thick skin, spines, thorns, fangs, and stealth. I had hiked in BB several times but never done the Lost Mine Trail due to the number of cars at the trail head, meaning more trail population than I was looking for.
Well, this was the time for the Lost Mine Trail. It was fascinating; the cacti were mostly in bloom, the temp was a high of maybe 90°, the deer and the Mexican Jays were out, and the always unique scenery was there to entertain without end. I went clear to the point where I climbed this end-of-trail rock, scooted to the edge, looked over, caught my breath and muttered something, scooted back (a good ways) and had my sandwich, certainly in no hurry at all to leave. There was trail traffic, but not too much. Everyone was excited and fascinated, so the company was welcome.
If you're wondering about difficulty, I am 73 and in half-decent shape; it was a pleasant jaunt for me. Be careful with the sun. You're a mile+ high and the sun beats down directly and also ricochets off of the rocks, so one gets plenty of exposure. I made it up and down, taking my time, with a liter of water, but was glad there was more waiting in the car. I will go again next year, and the next, and I will hike this trail again, with an eye on Casa Grande that always looms above, and wondering about how one gets up there. Maybe . . . .
By the way, one of the contributors here boasted that he/she had traveled 600 miles to enjoy the Big Bend. Who doesn't? (:-) Some good news though: this may be THE place in the Lower 48 where one is farthest from a Walmart or a Big Mac. Let's keep that our secret.