Knob Hills Trail
- 2/6/2013
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: 2 hours
Good hiking from either access point. There's parking off US 377 just north of Roanoke, or down Dunham Road at the intersection of US 377 and FM 1171. Went in the middle of the week and had the entire trail to myself.
These trails are used by mountain bikes as well, but a large portion of time it is open to pedestrians only. As most of this trail system is in the flood plain of Grapevine Lake and Denton Creek, I would expect mosquito repellant to be a must during spring and summer months. These trails range from flat to hilly with deep cuts that can be a little hard on the knees and ankles.
Sitting off the northwest corner of Grapvine lake this is a pleasant hike close to the Dallas/Forth Worth/Denton area.