Spicewood Springs Trail
- 11/27/2008
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Distance: 5.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
I hiked this one on Thanksgiving day, it was a beautiful day. Saw lots of Armadillos on the first .5 mile getting to the trail. Did have problems finding some of the markers and had to go back to find them.
Did not see 1 person on the trail. It was rougher then I thought, but it was it was fun. I will defiantly do this one again.
Dana Peak Park
- 7/13/2008
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Distance: 3.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Even thru it got damaged by the flood, you can still hike there. You can get pass the gate, on the left .Still lots of hikers and mountain biker's out there. It is just closed for car traffic. I did hike there almost every Sunday till July to it just got to hot and my dog refused to walk anymore. There is a one trail what has lots of shade but just a nice walking trail, just not very difficult, all flat.