Lovely Hidden Park
St. Edwards Park
- 5/29/2006
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Distance: 2.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Unless you pass by it on windy, curvy Spicewood Springs, or find it on a parks guide, you'd have no idea this little park existed.
I'm very fond of St. Edwards Park. I find the hiking best in the evenings during the middle of the week. The weekend swimming crowd is gone and it's just cool enough that you don't feel so hot & sweaty on the long, open portions between your car and Creek Trail or Hill Trail.
Generally, I like to hike the Creek Trail if I want some peace and quiet. It's visually more exciting for me and the gentle flow of the creek is soothing. It's also a fairly easy hike, so you can spend more time just soaking in the forest instead of worrying about your next step.
The trail is narrow, so on weekends, you may find yourself being pushed into the brambles and bushes to let bikers, joggers, and horseback riders pass.
There's a nice swimming spot near a teeny bit of rapids. It's easy to spot by the rope swing some kids must've set up ages ago.
Somewhere during the first half of the trail there's remnants of an old treehouse high up in the trees.
There's a nice reading/relaxing spot further down Creek Trail. You'll see a mini-trail branch off to the left. Follow it to a very open limestone bed. When the water is low, the bumpy limestone is a good place to sit down and read. Two tiny waterfalls at this juncture in the creek add some ambience.
After it rains a bit, a waterfall will spill from high above into the creek. Another waterfall willa ppear right across the street where the first portion of the trail spills out onto the road.