Great short hike with kids
Chalk Ridge Falls Park
- 9/4/2010
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Went out this morning to visit and hike the trails at Chalk Ridge. We took both of our kids ages 7 and 11 and they had a blast. Just enough terrain differences to keep them from getting bored and plenty of dragonflies and minnows to find. Both bridges are still terribly washed out, however we were able to cross alongside of the wooden foot bridge with out getting wet. Great little nook just along the waterside at the top of the falls to stop for a break and eat some lunch. The trail markings are inconsistent and there are alot of worn paths that veer off the trail, but if you stay near the water you'll have no problem finding the bridges or the falls. There is lots of trash scattered about, and if you want to get in the water, watch for hidden glass...