First Hike
Cedar Ridge Preserve
- 7/3/2008
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Distance: 4.00 Miles
Duration: 2 hours
I took my fiance out for her first hike ever. I have been on this trail once before but I was following some friends so I wasn't paying much attention to what trails we were on.
We started off at about 10am down Bluebonnet trail then hit Escarpment road down to the pond where we ran into about 20 teens that were being guided. Down around the pond they used cattail leaves and shoots to line the trail which made it very slippery. On more than one occasion I had to provide leverage for my fiance to make sure she didn't slip due to her tennis shoes not having much traction.
From there we took Fossil Valley trail back up to Cattail Pond trail and found our way back to the start.
All in all this was a good hike. I believe next time we'll go farther but we'll definitely start earlier in the morning.