Family Hike in the Spring time - six of us - beautiful country.
Palo Duro - Lighthouse Trail
- 4/8/2012
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Distance: 6.50 Miles
Duration: N/A
Although we made this hike in early April, it was still pretty warm. If its going to be a warm day I would recommend beginning the hike at or near day break and finshing the hike by noon.
We thought that we had brought more than enough water with us but I underestimated and brought "just enough". I you are a hardy person, you may want to carry some extra as there were people on the trail with no water. Yes, I know that they shouldn't be so foolish but if you see someone in trouble you will end up giving them yours and then you won't have enough.
An employee at the park told me that their busiest month is in July. The temperatures frequently get above 100 degrees that time of year and water is critical in those temperatures.
The last half mile of the trail before reaching the lighthouse is somewhat challenging. You may want to bring rope as there are several places where a fall could really hurt you.
I climbed solo almost to the top of the formation next to Lighthouse Rock. There is a somewhat difficult hop to get to the very top. Failure to complete the hop can easily result in a 30 foot fall down the side of the formation. Unless you an experienced climber and able to make a good judgment about the hop I wouldn't recommend it.
Lighthouse trail is beautiful. I will never forget it.