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User: MikeFornal - 8/16/2005

Location: Big Bend - Emory Peak Trail

Rating: 5stars
Difficulty: 4point5stars  Solitude: 4stars
Miles Hiked: 9.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A

Comments: Really fun and challenging hike. Well, it was more challenging than it needed to be since my friend and I each had about 55lbs with our bags... all the reading worried us about the water situation, heh. Worth the hike up there. However, I am absolutely (irrationally) terrified of bees and they were swarming in the hundreds up there towards the top. I don't mind ladybugs, but if you have some sort of fear of those, you'll be in your own personal hell at the top. There's some amazingly large numbers of them up there all bunched together on every branch.

Area around Big Bend - Emory Peak Trail