Some trails here are still closed from the flood, but we still had a good time!

Lower Falls
Lower Falls
User: heatharcadia - 1/31/2016

Location: McKinney Falls State Park

Rating: 3stars
Difficulty: 2stars  Solitude: 1point5stars
Miles Hiked: 2.86 Miles  Elapsed Time: 2 hours


This place was packed today due to the unseasonably warm weather. We had planned to hike the Onion Creek Trail on the south side of the park, but it seemed to still be closed from the Fall floods, so we made our way through the water and hiked around the Homestead Trail Area. The ruins of the old gristmill and home are pretty neat, but other than that the trail is pretty unremarkable. It was still nice to get out in this great weather, though.

If I hadn't been running on a tight schedule we would have made our way to the Flint Rock Loop on the north side of the park to make for a longer hike, but that will have to wait for another day.

As always, the area around the lower falls was enjoyable due to the neat rock. This area has always reminds me of the surface of the moon.

Log Photos
Lower Falls
McKinney Homestead
Geocache GCC9A - TPW
Area around McKinney Falls State Park