Sims Bayou

View Of The Trail
The paved trail goes along Sims Bayou.
User: Blaze - 3/7/2014

Location: Sims Bayou Hike & Bike Trail - Section 1

Rating: halfstar
Difficulty: halfstar  Solitude: 1star
Miles Hiked: 1.30 Miles  Elapsed Time: 25 minutes


Sims Bayou Hike & Bike Trail - Section 1 is another part of Sims Bayou that has a paved trail for walking, jogging and biking.  It is fairly short and is on the north bank of the bayou, however, I hiked back along an informal trail on the south bank.  There is no signage in the area, just a trail.  Also, this section does not formally connect to Sims Bayou Hike & Bike Trail - Section 2, which is fairly closeby, although you could probably informally walk along Sims Bayou to get to Section 2 if you wanted to.

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View Of The Trail
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