Sims Bayou

View Of The Trail
The paved asphalt trail runs along the north bank of Sims Bayou.
User: Blaze - 3/7/2014

Location: Sims Bayou Hike & Bike Trail - Section 2

Rating: halfstar
Difficulty: halfstar  Solitude: halfstar
Miles Hiked: N/A  Elapsed Time: N/A


I hiked the Sims Bayou Hike & Bike Trail - Section 2 as a part of a longer hike that included Townwood Park and several miles of undocumented trail along Sims Bayou out to Hwy 288.  You can read my log of that hike here as well as view the track file.

The Sims Bayou Hike & Bike Trail - Section 2 trail is a paved asphalt trail that runs along the north bank of Sims Bayou.  There is no signage of any kind.

Log Photos
View Of The Trail
Another View Of The Trail
Sims Bayou
Area around Sims Bayou Hike & Bike Trail - Section 2