Sims Bayou Hike

Park Sign
This is the sign to the park.
User: Blaze - 3/7/2014

Location: Townwood Park

Rating: 1star
Difficulty: halfstar  Solitude: 1star
Miles Hiked: 8.30 Miles  Elapsed Time: 2 hours, 35 minutes


I hiked Townwood Park as part of a longer hike along Sims Bayou.  This hike included the Sims Bayou Hike & Bike Trail - Section 2 as well as several miles of undocumented trail all the way to Hwy 288.

Townwood Park is a community park that has a rec center, various athletic fields, and a walking trail.  The walking trail is longer than 0.39 miles and probably closer to .75 to 1.0 miles long.

Sims Bayou is not a particularly scenic hike.  The bayou isn't very big or wide and has a lot of trash in it.  It is possible to hike along both the north and south banks (as I did) although there are parts where you have to "long jump" across feeding tributaries.

Log Photos
Park Sign
View Of The Trail
Another View Of The Trail
Sims Bayou