Part Of My Brays Bayou Hike

Disc Golf
The park has a small disc golf course.
User: Blaze - 2/3/2014

Location: MacGregor Park

Rating: halfstar
Difficulty: halfstar  Solitude: halfstar
Miles Hiked: N/A  Elapsed Time: N/A


I hiked MacGregor Park as a part of an extended hike along the Brays Bayou Hike & Bike Trail.  It is 1.4 miles around MacGregor Park, but I'm including that mileage in my Brays Bayou Hike log.  You can read that log here.

MacGregor Park is a nice community park.  It has several baseball/athletic fields, tennis courts, as well as a disc golf course.

Log Photos
Park Sign
Disc Golf
View Of The Trail
Brays Bayou