Brays Bayou - Part 1 of 2 (Eastern Half)

Hwy 288 Overpass
This is the South Fwy overpass. There is an option to take the trail right down to the water's edge or pass above it.
User: Blaze - 2/3/2014

Location: Brays Bayou Hike & Bike Trail

Rating: 1star
Difficulty: 2stars  Solitude: 1point5stars
Miles Hiked: 14.90 Miles  Elapsed Time: 4 hours, 35 minutes


I took a long walk along Brays Bayou.  I walked down to MacGregor Park, went around the park and then headed back.  I passed by the renown Medical Center, University of Texas - Houston, and turned around at Buffalo Speedway.  I would have gone farther, but I got a late start and ran short on daylight.  Besides, it was a little chilly (mid 40s).

The hike and bike trail is a wide concrete walkway that runs along the bank of Brays Bayou.  In some sections, the trail runs on both sides of the bayou, but in other sections, it only runs on one side.  The trail is well-maintained and easy to walk, but the signage is poor.  There are no distance markers, direction signs, or even signs that tell you that you are walking on the Brays Bayou Hike & Bike Trail.

The scenery is a little monotonous (as most bayou and drainage gully hikes are).  The biggest issue, however, is the total lack of bathrooms along the trail.  The City of Houston needs to place a porta-potty ever couple of miles, but there are none.  Ridiculous!  It may not be a big issue for fast moving bikers, but it does create problems if you're hiking for several hours.

I hope to return soon and finish the remaining part of the Brays Bayou Hike & Bike Trail west of Buffalo Speedway.

Log Photos
View Of The Trail
Medical Center
Another View Of The Trail
Hwy 288 Overpass