Shoal Creek 32nd-45th

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User: arokitz - 1/27/2013

Location: Shoal Creek

Rating: 4stars
Difficulty: 2point5stars  Solitude: 3stars
Miles Hiked: 2.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: 2 hours

Comments: I parked off 31st and Lamar (plenty of parking on the side of the road in a nice neighborhood). The trail entrance is marked very clearly and you can either head south toward town lake or north toward 38th street. I went north. It is a nice hike with a mix of solitude, urban surroundings, and residential neighborhoods. You can forget you are in the heart of Austin at times and then come around a bend and boom it's 38th street. But that is what makes this hike great! Overall it is a very nice hike and trail. Unfortunately, there is some noticeable trash buildup along the creek throughout the hike. Feel free to bring a trash bag to help keep Austin beautiful while on your hike. 2 birds,1 stone. Also, there is a ton of history in this brief section of shoal creek. There are informational stands on dinosaurs, floods, and the original settlers of the land. I found it very interesting to read about such a robust history of a small piece of earth, while standing on it. I highly recommend this hike for anyone looking to switch things up from town lake/zilker/ or just get out there.