Canyon Rim Woodlands Trail

1.60 Miles
1star (1.25)2
2stars (2.25)
4point5stars (4.75)
More Info
View Of The Trail
Many parts of the trail were blocked by fallen trees, bushes, or poorly maintained. (Photo by Blaze)
Blow Downs
The trail was poorly maintained with a lot of fallen trees covering the trail. (Photo by Blaze)
Military History
This sign shows the area where the Army from Ft. Polk, LA did training maneuvers in WWII (1943). (Photo by Blaze)
Trail Sign
This sign describes the difficulty of the different trail loops. (Photo by Blaze)
Hwy 87 Turn-Off
This is the dirt road off Hwy 87 that will take you to the trailhead. (Photo by Blaze)
This is where the trail starts/ends. (Photo by Blaze)
Log Entries
Disappointing And Poorly Maintained
By Blaze on 6/4/2013
Rating: halfstar Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 4point5stars
Distance: 2.20 Miles Duration: 53 minutes

The Canyon Rim Woodlands Trail is another "out of the way" trail with little else nearby to see or do.  Furthermore, finding this trail is not easy.  You can find the directions listed here, but be advised the trailhead is on the WEST side of Hwy 87, not the East (I have notified the webmaster of this and asked them to make the change).  If necessary, load in these coordinates into your GPS to find the trailhead (31.06.945 N - 93.43.757 W).

The Canyon Rim Woodlands Trail is provided by Champion International Corporation.  There is a lot of history of mule and ox-drawn wagon logging and Army training maneuvers in this area, but unfortunately the trail is very poorly maintained.  So poorly, in fact, that I lost the trail at one point and had to turn around and take an alternate route back to my car.

I gripe sometimes at having to pay entrance fees to county, state and national parks, especially since I already pay my taxes, so I always appreciate the free trails.  However, in some cases, you get what you pay for and the free trails are often not maintained or periodically maintained only by generous and altruistic volunteers.  On balance, I would gladly pay a few bucks and have a safe and clearly marked trail to hike rather than saving a few measly bucks and having a disappointing hiking experience.

By beckyhusband on 4/24/2011
Rating: 2stars Difficulty: 3point5stars Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 2.00 Miles Duration: N/A
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