Wild Azalea Canyons

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At the start of the trail, these trails take you down into the valley. Soon thereafter, however, the trail becomes difficult to follow. (Photo by Blaze)
Direction Sign
Signs like this one provide directions from FM 1414 to the canyons. (Photo by Blaze)
Numbered Sign Markers
This is marker #10. The trail takes you from one marker to the next, but the trail was poorly maintained and finding these markers was difficult. (Photo by Blaze)
Reminder Sign
This sign is located in the heart of the section where the wild azaleas grow. Unfortunately, I did not see any at the time of my hike. (Photo by Blaze)
This corporate sign marks the trailhead into Wild Azalea Canyons. (Photo by Blaze)
Log Entries
Trail Closed
By beckyhusband on 1/15/2023
Rating: halfstar Difficulty: 5stars Solitude: 5stars
Distance: N/A Duration: N/A

It's been many years since we visited so I'm not really surprised the trail is gone. All that remains are a few of the starter steps but signs are gone and trail has many fallen trees. 

No Azaleas (Go In Early Spring!)
By Blaze on 6/4/2013
Rating: halfstar Difficulty: 1point5stars Solitude: 4point5stars
Distance: 1.10 Miles Duration: 38 minutes

The Wild Azalea Canyons is located in a fairly remote area with not much else nearby to see or do.  You have to go out of your way and make a point to get there.

Finding it is a bit challenging since you have to take a few dirt roads back into the woods.  You can find the driving directions here.  There is no sign or kiosk saying "Wild Azalea Canyons" when you arrive.  There is only a corporate sign at a make-shift parking area.

The trail takes you down some stairs into the canyon.  Soon, thereafter, things got a little tricky.  The trail was so overgrown and poorly marked, I got lost several times.  There are numbered markers placed at various points, but I missed several of them and ran into others by sheer accident. At many points, I was bushwhacking cross-country, constantly vigilant of snakes.

After enduring this whole ordeal, I did not see a single azalea.  Not even one late bloomer. :(

If I had to do this hike again, I would recommend two things:

1.  There is a small window of time in the early Spring to see them, so if you are going to go, the best time is during mid-March through early April.

2.  If you have a GPS, load in the coordinates of the numbered signs to help you navigate from point to point.  You can find the coordinates and crude trail map here.

Azeleas were few
By beckyhusband on 4/23/2011
Rating: 1point5stars Difficulty: 3point5stars Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 2.00 Miles Duration: N/A

The trail needs work, some clearing and steps need repair and there were not many flowers

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