Mule Ears Spring Is OK, But Keep Going!
By Blaze on 3/7/2008
Distance: 6.00 Miles Duration: 2 hours, 30 minutes
The hike to Mule Ears Spring is relatively flat, although there are a few sections where you have to scale some small hills on the way.
The trail takes you through some scenic areas and it culminates at Mule Ears Spring. It is nothing spectacular, but it is an oasis in the middle of nowhere.
If you stop and turnaround here, you will be left with a so-so feeling. BUT KEEP GOING where the sign points to Smoky Creek. About a mile past the Spring, you will encounter a lot of beautiful quartz rocks and crystals. It's as if you are walking through Mother Nature's jewelry store! It's tempting to take some souvenirs, but please remember that collecting is not allowed in the park. Allow the park to be enjoyed by future generations as much as you enjoyed it.
After another half mile, you will descend down the side of a large hill adjacent to what I assume is Smoky Creek. There is no sign saying it is Smoky Creek, but the creek is filled with a lot of black rocks.
At the floor of the hill, you can walk out the desert valley and get a spectacular view of Mule Ears from the back side. The trail keeps going, but I'm not sure where it ended, so I turned around on the desert valley floor.
The sights beyond Mule Ears Spring far exceed the first half, so be sure not to stop at the Spring and keep going for more surprises and wonderment.